Monday, June 10, 2013


Sorry for being a bit late getting this out to everyone.....

The June meeting of the Delmarva United Homebrewers (DUH), will be taking

place at Jimmy & Lori's house in Felton. The date is Thursday, June 13th

(yep, that's THIS coming Thursday). Jimmy says arriving anytime after 6pm

is good. Feel free to bring a dish to share, as well as samples of your

latest fermented creations. Here is the address:

Lori Mae Brown & Jimmy Kroon

135 Green Ct.

Felton, DE.

302-270-7607 (Lori)

302-270-7611 (Jimmy)

If you need detailed directions or more information - give 'em a call.

A few items for everyone to note....The July meeting will be at Patti & Doug

Griffith's home in Millsboro - the home of Xtreme Brewing. I'll post the

starting time in next month's reminder. We are looking for someone to host

the August meeting, so if you want the job - send me a reply asap. First

volunteer to respond gets the gig. After August, the September meeting will

be at Mary Ann & Greg Christmas' house in Milton.

That's it for now...Cheers,


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