Sunday, August 30, 2009


To start this off, the September meeting will be held on Thursday, September 10th. We'll be meeting at John Novosel's Shipwreck Brewery, deep in the wilderness of Lewes. Things will start around 6pm. Bring a dish or something to share (if you want to), and bring your latest fermented creation for tasting. If you need directions to John's, drop me a note.....

Next up, we are planning a big group brew here at Jester Acres on Saturday, September 12th. The details are still being worked out. Everyone is welcome to come out and hang-out, and if you want to get in on the process please send me a note and I will let you know when our first (and only) pre-production meeting will be held. The plan (as of the last discussion) is to brew a big-honkin' barleywine.....

On a final note, Jim Kroon has graciously accepted the mantle of "Grand Poobah" of The Delmarva United Homebrewers. It was voted on at the August meeting and the decision was unanimous. Congratulations to Jim, and good luck with putting up with shouting hordes at your monthly 'town hall meeting'. I will remain active by continuing as the PR person for the club...which means I'll still get dumped on, but now I can blame someone else!

That's it for now! Cheers to all and....



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The brew date for the barleywine has been changed to Sunday, Sept. 13th....location remains the same, as does the open invitation.

dead terry